Van Lathan joins us on this episode of the Cool Table! During the lifetime of this show we’ve come to the realization how much a place like Nerds at the Cool Table was needed among our peers and having a fellow certified nerd like Van join us only continues to solidify its place.
As the anticipation for the Endgame builds we look back at the entire catalog of MCU films and TV shows to bring you our TOP 3 MCU REVEALS & TWISTS!
On the heels of the latest Star Wars Episode 9: Rise of Skywalker trailer, we discuss the new direction it seems to be going as the end of the saga comes to a close and we wonder how much of the past is truly being “killed” like stated in The Last Jedi.
And finally in our newest Game of Thrones segment of the show, we discuss the past 2 episodes of Season 8; the premiere episode Winterfell and the calm before the storm episode A Knight Of All The Seven Kingdoms.